Below is a list of journals that publish social scientific research on religion (and nonreligion):
- Sociology Journals (primarily)
- Critical Research on Religion
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Nova Religio
- Religião e Sociedade (Portuguese or Spanish)
- Review of Religious Research
- Secularism and Nonreligion (OA)
- Social Compass
- Sociology of Religion
- Journal of Religion and Demography
- Psychology Journals (primarily)
- Archive for the Psychology of Religion
- Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion
- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
- Religion, Brain & Behavior
- Religion, Mental Health, and Culture
- The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
- Other Journals (e.g., Interdisciplinary, Religious Studies, Communication, Comparative Religion, etc.)
- Approaching Religion (OA)
- Contemporary Jewry
- Cultura y Religión (OA)
- Culture and Religion
- Estudos de Religião (OA)
- Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies (OA; defunct; stopped publishing in 2021)
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (OA)
- Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies (OA)
- Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion and Education
- Journal of Church & State
- Journal of College & Character
- Journal of Contemporary Religion
- Journal of Disability & Religion
- Journal of Empirical Theology
- Journal of Media and Religion
- Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture (OA)
- Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging
- Journal of Religion & Film (OA)
- Journal of Religion and Health
- Journal of Religion & Society (OA)
- Journal of Religion in Africa
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion
- Method & Theory in the Study of Religion
- Politics and Religion
- Religion, State and Society
- Religion & Education
- Religion and Gender (OA)
- Religious Studies Review
- Science, Religion and Culture (OA)
- Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses
- Secular Studies
- The Journal of Religion
- Temenos (OA)
- WAWASAN: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya (Scientific Journal of Religion and Socio-Culture) (OA) (NOTE: Indonesian journal published by the faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN)
- Student Journals
Journals with an OA after the title are Open Access journals.
(NOTE: This is probably not a comprehensive list. I posted it here primarily for my benefit since I don’t always remember all the available outlets for my research. If you think a journal is missing, email me and I’ll consider adding it to the list.)