“How Low Can Humans Plunge!”: Facilitating Moral Opposition in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Citation:Sumerau, J. E. and Ryan T. Cragun. 2016. “‘How Low Can Humans Plunge!’: Facilitating Moral Opposition in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” Qualitative Sociology Review 12(1):42–59. The article can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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The Mormon Gender Issues Survey: Research Summary

Citation:Beal, Brent D. et al. 2015. The Mormon Gender Issues Survey: Research Summary. The Mormon Gender Issues Survey Group. A downloadable copy of this report is available here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Increasing Sex Ratio Imbalance Among Utah Mormons: Sources and Implications

Citation: Phillips, Rick, Ryan T. Cragun, and Barry A. Kosmin. 2015. “Increasing Sex Ratio Imbalance Among Utah Mormons: Sources and Implications.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 11:1–27. You can download this article here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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From Sodomy to Sympathy: LDS Elites’ Discursive Construction of Homosexuality Over Time

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T., J. E. Sumerau, and Emily Williams. 2015. “From Sodomy to Sympathy: LDS Elites’ Discursive Construction of Homosexuality Over Time.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 54(2):291–310. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jssr.12180. You can download this article here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Contemporary Religion and the Cisgendering of Reality

Citation:Sumerau, J. E., Ryan T. Cragun, and Lain A. B. Mathers. 2016. “Contemporary Religion and the Cisgendering of Reality.” Social Currents 3(3):293–311. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2329496515604644. The article can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Empiricism: Why I Left Mormonism

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T. 2015. “Empiricism: Why I Left Mormonism.” The Human Prospect: A Neohumanist Perspective 4(3):54–62. This article can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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The Mormon Gender Issues Survey: A Quantitative Analysis of U.S. Respondents

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T. and Michael Nielsen. 2015. “The Mormon Gender Issues Survey: A Quantitative Analysis of U.S. Respondents.” Pp. 297–318 in Voices for Equality: Ordain Women and Resurgent Feminism, edited by G. Shepherd, L. F. Anderson, and G. Shepherd. Draper, UT: Greg Kofford Books. You can download this chapter here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Trans-forming Mormonism: Transgender Perspectives on Priesthood Ordination and Gender

Citation:Sumerau, J. and Ryan T. Cragun. 2015. “Trans-Forming Mormonism: Transgender Perspectives on Priesthood Ordination and Gender.” Pp. 117–36 in Voices for Equality: Ordain Women and Resurgent Feminism, edited by G. Shepherd, L. F. Anderson, and G. Shepherd. Draper, UT: Greg Kofford Books. This chapter can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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