Silent Night
- rcragun
- 0
- on Dec 19, 2015
Silent night, Lowly night All is calm, all is right
Strong is the urging, parents and child
Cuddle infants, so tender and mild
Sleep in comforted peace, Sleep in comforted peace.
Silent night, Lowly night
Parents awake, through the night
Bonds formed through trials of love
Lullabies sung in the ears of.
A human child is born, A human child is born.
Silent night, Lowly night Fully awed by love’s pure light
Radiance beams from your lovely face
With the dawn the night leaves no trace,
Child, loved at thy birth, Child, loved at thy birth.
Lyrics by Ryan T. Cragun
Silent Night by Ryan T. Cragun is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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