“I Know That Goes Against My Religion”: Explaining Intrafaith Religious Dissent in Latter-Day Saint Views on Abortion and Religious Reflexivity

Citation:Gull, Bethany, and Ryan T. Cragun. (forthcoming). “‘I Know That Goes Against My Religion’: Explaining Intrafaith Religious Dissent in Latter-Day Saint Views on Abortion and Religious Reflexivity.” Review of Religious Research. This article can be downloaded here.

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Not Before Jesus Comes, If Ever: Mormon Views on When Women Will Receive the Priesthood

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T., Rick Phillips, and Michael Nielsen. 2023. “Not Before Jesus Comes, If Ever: Mormon Views on When Women Will Receive the Priesthood.” Journal of the Mormon Social Science Association 2(1):35–55. doi: https://doi.org/10.54587/JMSSA.0202. This article can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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“I Don’t Think It Ought To Be Blasphemy: Transing God(s) and Postlife Gender

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T., and Bethany Gull. 2023. “I Don’t Think It Ought to Be Blasphemy: Transing God(s) and Post-Life Gender.” Social Compass 70(2):187–206. doi: 10.1177/00377686231176355. The article can be downloaded here. (Image generated by DALL-E 3.)

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Outcast Women: Gender and Authenticity in Ex-Mormon Women’s Disaffiliation Narratives

Citation:Gull, Bethany, Jesse Smith, and Ryan Cragun. 2023. “Outcast Women: Gender and Authenticity in Ex-Mormon Women’s Disaffiliation Narratives.” Nova Religio 26(3):7–29. doi: https://doi.org/10.1525/nr.2023.26.3.7. This article is available for download here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Summing Up: Problems and Prospects for a Global Church in the 21st Century

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T. 2020. “Summing Up: Problems and Prospects for a Global Church in the 21st Century.” Pp. 817–49 in The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mormonism, edited by G. Shepherd, Gary Shepherd, and R. T. Cragun. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. This chapter can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Incorporating Transgender Experience Toward a More Inclusive Gender Lens in the Sociology of Religion

Citation:Sumerau, J. E., Lain A. B. Mathers, and Ryan T. Cragun. 2018. “Incorporating Transgender Experience Toward a More Inclusive Gender Lens in the Sociology of Religion.” Sociology of Religion 79(4):425–48. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/socrel/sry001. You can download this article here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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Christianity and the Limits of Minority Acceptance in America: God Loves (Almost) Everyone

Christianity and the Limits of Minority Acceptance in America: God Loves (Almost) Everyone

Description: Christianity and the Limits of Minority Acceptance explores the ways Christian women in college make sense of bisexual, transgender, polyamorous, and atheist others. Specifically, it explores the ways they express tolerance for some sexual groups, such as lesbian and gay people, while maintaining condemnation of other sexual, gendered, or religious groups. In so doing, […]

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Losing Manhood Like a Man: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Examination of Masculinities and the Experience of a Vasectomy

Citation:Cragun, Ryan T., and J. E. Sumerau. 2017. “Losing Manhood Like a Man: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Examination of Masculinities and the Experience of a Vasectomy.” Men and Masculinities 20(1):98–116. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X15612516. This article can be downloaded here. (Image generated using DALL-E 3.)

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