Could I vote for a Mormon? An Election Year Guide to Mitt Romney’s Religion
- rcragun
- 0
- on May 01, 2012
- Does Mitt Romney belong to a cult?
- Is he a Christian?
- Is he a polygamist?
- Does Mitt wear funny underwear?
- What do Mormons do inside their temples?
- Why doesn’t Mitt drink coffee or tea?
- Why doesn’t Mitt wear a cross?
- Why are there so many Mormon missionaries?
- Will Mitt take orders from the Mormon prophet in Salt Lake City?
- Is Mitt racist?
- Why do Mormons oppose same-sex marriage?
- Do Mormons have their own Bible?
- Does Mitt really believe God lives near a star named Kolob?
- Who goes to Mormon heaven?
- Does Mitt believe God was once a man?
- Does Mitt believe Jesus and Satan were brothers?
Find out: Order the book today!
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Ryan T. Cragun is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Tampa. His research interests include Mormonism and the nonreligious. He is the author of more than a dozen peer-reviewed articles and half a dozen book chapters (see his professional site here). His research has been published in such journals as: Sociology of Religion, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Journal of Religion and Health, Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, and Nova Religio. His research has been featured in numerous local and national newspapers, including: Tampa Bay Times, The Salt Lake Tribune, The Washington Post, the Huffington Post, and Bloomberg Business Week. Dr. Cragun is also a past President of the Mormon Social Science Association.
Rick Phillips is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of North Florida. He is the author of one book and more than a dozen articles on Mormonism. His research has been published in such journals as: Sociology of Religion, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, and Nova Religio. Dr. Phillips is a former President of the Mormon Social Science Association, a scholarly association of social scientists interested in the study of Mormonism.
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What are people saying about the book?
Book Signings and Press:
- Dr. Cragun will lead a book club about the book at the University of Tampa on October 26th
- Book highlighted in the University of Tampa Journal
- Dr. Cragun spoke about the book to the Tampa Chapter of the American Humanists
- Dr. Cragun spoke about the book and signed copies at Inkwood Books in Tampa
Interviews and Podcasts:
- American Freethought podcast interview: americanfreethought.libsyn.com
- Dr. Phillips takes questions about Mormonism and the book on First Coast Connect
- Dr. Cragun takes questions about Mormonism and the book on the Kojo Nnamdi show
- Mormon Expositor podcast interview: mormonexpositor.com
- Andrea Szalanski’s review: Free Inquiry
- Joseph Walker’s review: Deseret News
- Soren Narnia’s review: goodreads.com
- Anne Wingate’s review: gardenwindow.wordpress.com
- Robert Raleigh’s review: salon.com and latterdaymainstreet.com
- Jeff Raymond’s review: The Artolater
- David Voas’s review: goodreads.com
- Donna Banta’s review: latterdaymainstreet.com
Pre-publication press:
- The Tampa Tribune’s feature article on the forthcoming book
- Listen to Dr. Cragun’s interview about the book and Mormonism on AM Tampa Bay